New study examines efficacy of Osseointegration in patients with Vascular Disease.

Peripheral vascular disease, or PVD, has traditionally been considered problematic for osseointegration due to concerns around impaired wound healing and the increased risk of post-operative infection. PVD is characterised by reduced circulation in the limbs as a result of the narrowing and blockage of blood vessels and, once very advanced, is often treated by amputation. […]
Bringing Osseointegration to Bahrain

Orthopaedic medicine is a key target sector for Saudi Arabia’s vision for better healthcare by 2030. Like many places, it is experiencing an increase in the average of age of its population, with over 65s predicted to make up around 19% of its total by 2035 – an increase of more than 500% from 2010. […]
Amputation Forum, Krakow

The successful management of post-operative pain is a global challenge for those living with limb loss and for the multidisciplinary teams responsible for their care. Thankfully, here at Sydney, we have a world-class pain management team dedicated to safely supporting our patients through their recovery. But the question of how best to achieve effective and […]
Professor Al Muderis Delivers New Hope to Severely Injured Soldier

The Osseointegration Group team has a long history of helping civilians and military personnel injured in conflict, and have travelled across the world to do so, bringing new surgical technology, training and techniques. One of our newest military patients, Viktor Bogoyavlensky, arrived in Sydney in a very different way. On September 1st, 2024, as Viktor’s […]
New Work Demonstrates Viability of Osseointegration for People with CRPS

We understand the struggle of living with chronic pain. Many of our patients come to us because they’ve exhausted standard treatment options. This is certainly true for people living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. If you’ve not heard of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, commonly referred to by the acronym, CRPS, then don’t feel too bad. […]